Tag Archives: pain management

Pain Relief Without Drugs and Surgery

Pain Relief Without Drugs and Surgery - Pain Clinic @ Wellness Philosophy

Pain has been one of the most terrible unsolicited friends we humans have always detested. Everyone who has had pain should at least consider looking for pain relief clinic without drugs and surgery. Pain disrupts productivity, limits efficacy, hinders happiness and in the worst cases, may be an end to someone’s life. Conventional Pain Relief […]

What is Pain?

What is Pain? Pain is both physical and mental unpleasant stimuli that should not be ignored. It is disruptive to our daily activities and living. All of us experience pain in our own unique ways but most people cannot identify or even indicate where the pain symptoms are, most elderly assume pain is a part […]

Non-Invasive Pain Management | Wellness Philosophy

The experience of pain is individual and varies from one another, most do not seek any help unless the pain is unbearable and disrupting their daily life activities. However when pain is escalated to its highest scale of 8-9, patient’s expectations and demands of rectifying the symptoms, are high and at times, unreasonable. When the […]

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